Activity total

You are currently examining Reggie

Let’s perform an ultrasound of Reggie’s heart

and measure the size of his left atrium and left ventricle to determine whether he has cardiomegaly as a result of his MVD

Right parasternal short axis view

(left atrium and aortic valve)

Measure the internal short axis diameter of the aorta

Tap the middle of the right coronary aortic valve cusp and the opposite commissure between the non coronary and left coronary aortic valve cusps.

Try again, select the middle of the right coronary aortic valve cusp and the opposite commissure between the non coronary and left coronary aortic valve cusps

Now, select the opposite commissure between the non coronary and left coronary aortic valve cusps

Now, select the left atrial free wall and form a line that extends from the aortic diameter measurement

Try again

Select the commissure between the non coronary and left coronary aortic valve cusps, and the left atrial free wall.

LA measurement = 4.1 cm

Ao measurement = 1.9 cm

Turn hints

The start point should be from the middle of the right coronary aortic valve cusp.

The endpoint should be between the non-coronary and the left coronary valve cusps.

The start point should be between the non coronary and the left coronary aortic valve cusps.

The endpoint should be on the left atrial free wall. If a pulmonary vein is seen then the atrial wall should be extrapolated and the measurement taken to the perceived location of the wall.

NC = non coronary aortic valve cusp LA = left atrium
LC = left coronary aortic valve cusp PV = pulmonary vein
RC = right coronary aortic valve cusp
4.1 cm : 1.9 cm LA:Ao = 2.2

Reggie has a LA:Ao of 2.2

Left atrial enlargement is present.

LA:Ao ≥1.6 Left atrial enlargement present
LA:Ao <1.6 Left atrial enlargement not present

LVIDDN = normalised left ventricular internal diameter in diastole

How to measure the left atrial to aortic ratio (LA:Ao)

Mark Patteson
  • RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology, HeartVets

You do not have to measure the LVIDDN

As Reggie has a LA:Ao ratio of ≥1.6, cardiomegaly has already been confirmed. This means measuring the left ventricular internal diameter at end-diastole normalised for bodyweight (LVIDDN) is not necessary. However, you can proceed if you choose.

Measure LVIDDN Finish ultrasound

You should measure the LVIDDN

As Reggie has a LA:Ao of <1.6, the size of the left ventricle should be obtained by measuring the left ventricular internal diameter at end-diastole normalised for bodyweight (LVIDDN).

Measure LVIDDN

Good choice

As Reggie has a LA:Ao of <1.6, the size of the left ventricle should be obtained by measuring the left ventricular internal diameter at end-diastole normalised for bodyweight (LVIDDN).
