Activity total

You are currently examining Reggie

“I don’t think this test is necessary. Reggie is behaving as he always has.”

Listen to Mrs Richardson, Reggie’s owner

How will you respond to Mrs Richardson?

  • Option A

    “The murmur I can hear is significant; this means Reggie is more likely to have an enlarged heart. We assess the size of dogs’ hearts by performing a simple ultrasound or by taking an X-ray. It is important to find out if Reggie has an enlarged heart as then we can decide what is best for Reggie.”

  • Option B

    “I can hear a heart murmur and so recommend we perform a test to check Reggie’s heart size, alternatively we can monitor Reggie and see how he is doing at his next check-up?”

  • Option C

    “It is great that Reggie appears to be fit and healthy, however, he does have a significant heart murmur, and in Reggie’s case, being a slightly older gentleman this normally always indicates mitral valve disease. In order to take the best care of Reggie, we really need to check the size of his heart. If Reggie does have an enlarged heart caused by his heart disease, and we don’t start him on treatment soon then he’s likely to develop heart failure and start showing symptoms including difficulty exercising, breathlessness and possibly collapse in the near future. Are you happy for us to proceed or do you have any concerns?”

Reggie has a grade 3 mitral valve murmur; how would you like to proceed?


It is important to respond in a clear manner to instil confidence in Mrs Richardson so that she follows your recommendation.

Empathy and Tone of Voice

How to use consumer psychology to build empathy with Mrs Richardson and effectively communicate the need to investigate Reggie’s heart murmur

Dr. Gareth J. Harvey
Reggie has a grade 3 mitral valve murmur; how would you like to proceed?

This may not be the best way to respond

It is important to respond in a clear manner to instil confidence in Mrs Richardson so that she follows your recommendation.

Empathy and Tone of Voice

How to use consumer psychology to build empathy with Mrs Richardson and effectively communicate the need to investigate Reggie’s heart murmur

Dr. Gareth J. Harvey