Activity total

You are currently examining Reggie

Measure the left ventricular internal diameter at end-diastole

Select either side of the widest point of the left ventricle to draw a line. Right parasternal short axis view at level of chordae tendinae - M-mode.

Now, select the other side of the widest point of the left ventricle

Try again, select either side of the widest point of the left ventricle to draw a line.

The LVIDD must be normalised for body weight (LVIDDN). The Cornell formula is used to calculate the LVIDDN = (LVIDD[cm])/(Weight [kg] 0.294).5 A left ventricular enlargement calculator is available on the Boehringer Academy.

Turn hints

The start point should be at the division of the septum from the left ventricle lumen.

The end point should be where the endocardial surface of the left ventricular free wall is identified.

3.9 cm
3.9 cm
Reggie’s weight
15 kg0.294
= 1.8

Reggie has a LVIDDN measurement of 1.8 & a LA:Ao of 2.2

Cardiomegaly is present.

LA:Ao ≥ 1.6 & LVIDDN ≥ 1.7 Cardiomegaly present
LA:Ao < 1.6 & LVIDDN < 1.7 No cardiomegaly at this time