Phoebe has a grade 2/6 left apical heart murmur; what is the most likely cause of her murmur?
A left apical murmur in a large or giant breed dog is most likely due to dilated cardiomyopathy
(DCM). Mitral valve disease (MVD) tends to affect small to medium dogs.
Studies have demonstrated that the prevalence of DCM in Dobermanns increases with increasing age.7
Screening for DCM is recommended in Dobermanns from 3 years old, on a yearly basis.8
Further assessment is required to make a diagnosis, however DCM is more likely than MVD for Phoebe.
Phoebe has a grade 2/6 left apical heart murmur; what is the most likely cause of her murmur?
It is possible that Phoebe has an innocent flow murmur. However, as the prevalence of DCM is very
high in Dobermanns, it is likely that this is the cause of her murmur.
Studies have demonstrated that the prevalence of DCM in Dobermanns increases with increasing age.7
Screening for DCM is recommended in Dobermanns from 3 years old, on a yearly basis.8
Further assessment is required to make a diagnosis, however
DCM is more likely than a flow murmur for Phoebe.