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What grade is Reggie’s heart murmur?

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What grade is Reggie’s heart murmur?


Reggie has a grade 3 mitral valve disease murmur.

Grade 3 murmurs are moderately loud and are described as being as loud as the heart sounds2. About 50% of dogs with a grade 3 mitral valve disease murmur have cardiomegaly and this percentage increases even more as the murmur intensity increases3. A mitral valve disease murmur of grade 3 or above is therefore clinically significant, since it indicates that the likelihood of cardiomegaly being present is high.

All dogs with a grade 3/6 mitral valve disease murmur or greater should be investigated for cardiomegaly.

The importance of grading MVD murmurs

Nuala Summerfield
  • Founder and Director, Virtual Veterinary Specialists
  • RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology
  • DipACVIM DipECVIM-CA (Cardiology)
What grade is Reggie’s heart murmur?


Reggie has a grade 3 mitral valve disease murmur.

Grade 3 murmurs are moderately loud and are described as being as loud as the heart sounds2. About 50% of dogs with a grade 3 mitral valve disease murmur have cardiomegaly and this percentage increases even more as the murmur intensity increases3. A mitral valve disease murmur of grade 3 or above is therefore clinically significant, since it indicates that the likelihood of cardiomegaly being present is high.

All dogs with a grade 3/6 mitral valve disease murmur or greater should be investigated for cardiomegaly.

MVD murmurs – when to investigate

Kieran Borgeat
  • American, European and RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology,
  • Langford Vets, University of Bristol

Reggie’s heart

Normal heart

Compare these two recordings