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You are currently examining Reggie

“Oh no. Is that why Reggie’s breathing rate has increased?”

Listen to Mrs Richardson, Reggie’s owner

How will you respond to Mr Oakley?

  • Option A

    I appreciate that medications can be expensive, but Poppy would be much better off if she had Vetmedin® to slow down the worsening of her disease. If you prefer, we can postpone her treatment and you can monitor her condition at home by measuring her resting respiratory rate. If it goes above 30 breaths per minute, then you should come back and see me.

  • Option B

    For dogs like Poppy who are in the early stages of MVD and who are not yet showing any symptoms of heart failure, it’s unlikely that you’ll notice any obvious changes after starting treatment. Please be assured that Vetmedin® is working to slow the worsening of Poppy’s heart disease to give her more symptom-free time. This is why it is so important to make sure she is given the Vetmedin® as I’ve prescribed.

  • Option C

    Owning a dog can, unfortunately be expensive and unpredictable. It may be worth having a look at our health plans as they could make Poppy’s care more affordable, especially as her condition worsens.